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French and German


At Coopers learning a foreign language offers our pupils the opportunity to communicate with their European neighbours and discover a new culture which for many remains a mystery despite our proximity to France. In a globalised world, linguistic skills are crucial for employment and proficiency in a foreign language enhances career opportunities.

Through our grammar-focussed curriculum we aim to enable pupils to express their ideas and thoughts in another language and to understand and respond to its speakers, both in spontaneous speech and in writing.  

Grammar skills are taught explicitly through every unit of work, and regularly revisited; the emphasis is on equipping pupils with the linguistic skills to unpick and decode unfamiliar language. 

Through the GCSE course pupils learn to communicate for practical purposes, learn new ways of thinking and read extracts of great literature in the original language. 

The French curriculum maps are designed to ensure that all four skills (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening) are covered in every unit and opportunities to revisit key skills, in different ways, are built in to pupils’ learning journeys.   


In MFL we develop trust by:

  • Enabling our pupils to

In MFL we develop respect by:

  • ensuring that each pupil is able to speak in French in the classroom where they feel it is a safe, secure environment.
  • Using pair work so that pupils engage effectively with each other and practice their language skills

In MFL we develop resilience by:

  • explicitly teaching vocabulary and retrieval practice so that pupils develop their linguistic skills
  • having high expectations of all pupils regardless of their starting points
  • setting weekly learning homework, which the pupils practice their key vocabulary for low stakes tests


In French we ensure our curriculum is inclusive by:

  • Language learning is inclusive because all pupils, despite their prior attainment or special educational need, are included, expected and welcomed into the world of languages.
  • Scaffolding by personalising the learning based on individual pupil need 


In MFL we identify powerful knowledge and ensure we have a good understanding of it as it is a prerequisite for understanding other related content. 

 By clearly identifying the powerful knowledge in each unit, teachers can ensure that their teaching and assessment is focused on the content that makes the biggest difference. 

We share this with pupils and their families using Knowledge Organisers.


In French we sequence our curriculum using spaced practice. This means large areas of knowledge are broken into smaller chunks, with intervals of time between them, to improve pupil learning and recall. 

MFL Curriculum

KS3 Curriculum Map

KS4 Curriculum Map


In French we ensure our curriculum is coherent by the use of 5 Big Ideas that underpin all the learning in our subject. Each lesson is linked to a Big Idea, shared with the pupils at the start of the lesson, so they can call on prior learning and understand where each lesson fits within our curriculum. 

Our Big Ideas are:

  • Phonics: Getting key sounds right allows us to be understood.
  • Vocabulary: A wide vocabulary allows for deeper and more meaningful communication.
  • Gender and agreement: When the grammar is accurate- the language is beautiful.
  • Tenses: When referring to different moments in time - the words change.
  • Audience and cultural awareness: To appreciate other cultures- we need to understand where they are coming from. 


AQA GCSE French (8658) 

Paper 1: Listening

  • Written exam: 35 minutes (Foundation Tier), 45 minutes (Higher Tier)
  • 40 marks (Foundation Tier), 50 marks (Higher Tier)
  • 25% of GCSE 

Paper 2: Speaking 

  • Non-exam assessment
  • 7–9 minutes (Foundation Tier) + preparation time, 10–12 minutes (Higher Tier) + preparation time
  • 60 marks (for each of Foundation Tier and Higher Tier)
  • 25% of GCSE 

Paper 3: Reading

  • Written exam: 45 minutes (Foundation Tier), 1 hour (Higher Tier)
  • 60 marks (for each of Foundation Tier and Higher Tier)
  • 25% of GCSE 

Paper 4: Writing

  • Written exam: 1 hour (Foundation Tier), 1 hour 15 minutes (Higher Tier)
  • 50 marks at Foundation Tier and 60 marks at Higher Tier
  • 25% of GCSE 

The biggest help you can give your child is by ensuring they learn their vocabulary weekly by using their Languagenut account. 


We offer the opportunity for pupils to immerse themselves in the French language and culture through day trips to France.


A GCSE in languages helps whichever career route you wish to take as it shows you are able to retain large amounts of information and manipulate your understanding of grammar which you can apply to a second language.  We are living in a multicultural world; many companies are opening offices overseas to extend their market. So the need for bilingual candidates is greater than ever. By acquiring a foreign language, you will double the number of available jobs for you and climb the career ladder much faster. 


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