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Driven by a determination to create welcoming schools for the local community, where every person thrives, makes excellent progress and succeeds.

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Our tutoring system has been created to establish and embed a deep sense of community.

We are committed to helping our pupils to understand others, to value diversity, to interact positively with people from different backgrounds, show resilience and to achieve to the best of their ability by removing barriers to learning.

Our successes so far include a strong and inclusive pupil leadership programme, a varied programme of enrichment activities that are open to all, exciting opportunities for pupils to volunteer locally and overseas, including Outlook Expeditions and Community Sports Leader Awards, successful parent planning forums, encouraging parents and families to be involved in the positive development of Coopers and excellent pupil links to local organisations, including The Chislehurst Rotary Club and The Chislehurst Society.

Parent Forum

Working in partnership with parents/carers is a crucial aspect of ensuring the highest of outcomes for our pupils; your role is invaluable in maintaining high standards and we very much value your views. We are delighted to, once again, offer face-to-face bookable appointments with the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team through the Parent Forum. These 15-minute appointment slots are available if you have anything that you wish to raise, or share. If you would like to book an appointment, please Click here to access the online appointment request form and Mrs Denoon will contact you to arrange a mutually convenient time.


Pupil Leadership

Leadership Meetings are held and chaired by pupil leadership team every fortnight. Issues are raised and then discussed in groups – sometimes straightforward, sometimes not! It is as important for pupils to understand why things sometimes can’t happen, as it is to bring about change.


We take all surveys very seriously. In addition to providing feedback on the areas within which we excel, the surveys highlight areas for improvement. From the most recent parent survey completed we have:

  • Contacted all parents that were unable to log on to INSIGHT and provided support to help access
  • Put in place monitoring of individual pupils to improve the quality of learning
  • Ensured that communication systems are working for all parents by contacting parents who raised concerns and updating our systems